Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Death is a Lonely Business

 A dozen or so years ago, when I had first read this, I missed some pretty important things.  Naturally, I still enjoyed the book and the vivid imagery that practically every sentence illustrated... I just missed some things, references which this time around I picked up on because I have just recently re-read a few of his books so my memory was fresh.  I found new pleasures in an already heady book, which just blew things up to even greater proportions of fantastic. 
It was overwhelming.  Ray put so much of himself into this book that it was almost suffocating with his art.  I had to stuggle sometimes to keep on task with the story, because his metaphors were very thick on the ground, and I was distracted most of the time with the images of each one.   
It is such a gift to be enriched with such legends and all of his own making.  He truly was a master,  I am so grateful for every word and still grieve that there won't be any more.

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